Wellness Policy
I have a strict wellness policy at Sara Lassiter Photography and take ALL of my clients’ health and safety seriously.
- I work with all types of adults, children and babies which means I have clients who have lowered or compromised immune systems, as well as working with Newborns who’s immune systems are underdeveloped. Although the studio is cleaned and sanitized thoroughly before and after every session, a sick child can still infect my studio, myself, or leave germs on a missed surface. I try to keep any and all sickness out of my studio for the safety of all my clients, so by bringing a sick child to my studio, you are risking spreading sickness to other clients’s children, or to me, despite all my sanitation efforts.
- If you or your child wakes up the day of your session with a runny/snotty nose, cough or fever (not related to teething) please contact me immediately to discuss rescheduling. Please contact me if you or your child gets sick or starts running a fever (not related to teething) within one week BEFORE your session. We will monitor their symptoms as your session approaches and discuss options/rescheduling, if need be. All clients/children must be fever-free for atleast 48 hours prior to your scheduled session, NO EXCEPTIONS! This applies to anyone attending the portrait session. I also ask that if you, your child, or anyone who also attends the session becomes sick within one week AFTER your session, especially with flu-like symptoms/COVID-19 or stomach flu-like symptoms, PLEASE CONTACT ME TO LET ME KNOW. I want to know this information so that I can take the appropriate steps, if needed, stop taking sessions to ensure I do not risk exposing anyone else. I will not be upset, as long as you were not experiencing these symptoms before the session, but I would REALLY appreciate knowing, again, to ensure I keep EVERYONE healthy and safe!
- A sick child can also spread their sickness to me, which may take a few days to develop into symptoms. And in the meantime, I will have worked with other children and newborns and had the potential to contaminate them, unknowingly. I do not want to get sick, and I surely don’t want to unknowingly get other clients or their children sick. I take the utmost care to ensure I stay healthy, and to ensure my studio stays clean and germ-free, which in return keeps ALL my clients and their children healthy and safe. If I catch a sickness from your sick child, I have to reschedule all my other clients’ sessions, and that not fair to them, so PLEASE do not bring a sick child to a session.
- In the rare occurrence that I do get sick, I will reschedule all upcoming sessions to prevent spreading my sickness to any of my clients. I really hope that if you have a session scheduled with me that you will take the same precautions, and contact me if your child gets sicks within a week of your session, and IMMEDIATELY if they wake up not feeling well on the day of their session. I understand this becomes an inconvenience to you to have to reschedule, but please think about the ripple effect it can have on my other sessions, and how many other clients it could effect if you don’t.
- You know how bad you feel when you have a head cold or when you’re sick, you don’t feel well, your in a bad mood and you don’t want to do anything. A sick child is not going to feel like having their portraits taken. Not only will their sickness cause them to be completely miserable and not act like themselves, but it will be a complete waste of our time and your money. Your portraits won’t look like the “Happy Baby Portraits” you are used to seeing in my work. Your little one will be congested, unable to breathe well through their nose, they will have a snotty nose in photos which require constant nose-wiping that will irritate them and cause them to have a raw, red nose. They will get upset, cry, they will hate outfit changes because they don’t feel well, and they will not give us those big smiles and cute expressions you’re hoping for. There’s just no reason to force it. JUST RESCHEDULE!!
- Photoshoots are NOT a necessity for you to do while you or your child is sick or not feeling their best. Even though it is an inconvenience to have to reschedule your session due to you or your child being sick, that does not allow you to disregard the rules. Please think about how many others it could effect if you don’t. You don’t want to be the reason other people’s children get sick. ALL sessions can be rescheduled if you or your child is not in optimal health. But, I will NOT re-shoot a session because you disregarded my Wellness Policy when your child was sick, and you aren’t happy with your child’s photos, so PLEASE, just reschedule beforehand!
- If you show up to a session and your child is visibly sick and miserable I will ask you to leave. PLEASE DON’T MAKE ME DO THAT! Please contact me at the first sign of sickness so we can all stay healthy, and you get the amazing portraits you want!
Thank you so much for your understanding and respect on this topic!!
Sara Lassiter